Christopher Begeny, PhD

Assistant Professor in Social and Organizational Psychology | University of Exeter

Christopher Begeny, PhD

Assistant Professor in Social and Organizational Psychology | University of Exeter


Chris is an Assistant Professor in Social and Organizational Psychology at the University of Exeter. He is also a Specialist Member on the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s Gender Pay Gap Implementation Panel, the Academic Lead for the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery, an Associate at Apply Psychology and a Research Affiliate at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership, ANU. He has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Chris’ research centers on topics of diversity, discrimination, and the development of healthy, equitable organizations. Among other topics he examines how individuals are perceiving and reacting to growing diversity in their profession, ways we can collectively combat the impostor “syndrome”, ongoing issues of sexual misconduct in healthcare, and the importance of not only having role models at work but the opportunity to be one. As a collaborator and as a consultant, he works with organizations to identify prominent barriers and promising pathways to greater workplace equity.

All sessions by Christopher Begeny, PhD

Navigating Institutional Culture Panel

29 Aug 2024
3:45 pm - 5:00 pm